How computer vision is changing the healthcare 

August 13, 2024

In today's world, technology constantly develops and fundamentally transforms medical care by moving from passive observation to active vision. Computer vision algorithms are close to reshaping how we diagnose diseases and monitor patient health. But how long have we to wait?

In recent years, computer vision has advanced because of mature deep learning algorithms and has been primarily driven by the possibility of extensively labelling different kinds of data. Now, we live in a period of large amounts of digital data in various industries, which has also influenced the development of technologies based on computer vision. Computer vision applications in healthcare evolve continuously, transforming the industry by improving patient monitoring, diagnostics, and even medical procedures and training. Let's look at these and many other computer vision use cases in this field.

According to the statistics, computer vision in medical care is projected to reach a substantial value of $22.2 billion by 2030. The expected growth between 2024 and 2030 is 47.8% (CAGR). This rapid growth emphasizes the significant integration of computer vision technologies in the medical care industry.

Computer vision (CV) creates ML-based models for medical assistance in prescription medication and identifying, monitoring, or developing specific illnesses. Computer vision frees up physicians' time and helps them complete daily work by concentrating on complex cases in healthcare. It helps boost strategies for better medical help and gives more attention to each case. Implementing computer vision software based on medical imaging or predictive analytics offers several advantages to the healthcare market.

What Is computer vision in healthcare, and how does It work?

Computer vision concentrates on creating advanced models capable of interpreting and processing visual information. The system needs a certain amount of input data to train computer vision models, mostly medical pictures. Computer vision software helps physicians to identify illnesses more precisely and quickly. Computer vision applications in healthcare reduce human involvement and automate image recognition processes, which is crucial for completing tasks and improving the precision of medical treatment in healthcare. Radiology and medical imaging are the fields of the most successful use cases in healthcare. Computer vision is used to develop healthcare software to compare and analyze multiple X-ray, MR, or CT medical images to boost the diagnostic process and make it more efficient.

Computer vision technologies focus on analyzing videos and images. The procedure is similar to how humans perceive and interpret visual data. Artificial intelligence development closely relates to computer vision because it uses computational methods to replicate human vision capabilities.

Deep learning algorithms have significantly enhanced computer vision, which excels in object detection, image classification, and segmentation. These models work with extensive labelled datasets, adeptly generalizing to new images and completing hierarchical visual features.

Computer vision in medical care has shown significant results in complicated medical diagnostics in radiology, dermatology, and pathology.

Computer vision systems follow specific algorithms to analyze and process visual datasets:

  • Image accomplishment: you need cameras or other imaging devices to start the process. Start by capturing images or videos. Then, the visual data will be used as material for deep analysis.
  • Preliminary processing: you need to process raw images for the following analysis steps. The initial processing includes normalization, resizing, and noise reduction.
  • Extraction of essential features: in the next step,  computer vision algorithms must be engaged in the pattern recognition to extract some significant elements from images during the preprocessing.
  • Representation of features: extracted significant features can often be prepared for machine learning algorithms. Algorithms can process those features after converting them into a suitable mathematical form.
  • Interpretation and recognition: after extraction and representation of significant features, computer vision algorithms start the classification process, detection and recognition of scenes, objects, or some patterns in the images.
  • Decision-making and post-processing: the last step in computer vision is post-processing, which involves filtering out false positives, refining object boundaries, or aggregating predictions.

Health monitoring with computer vision

Computer vision ensures several benefits for more advanced health monitoring. For instance:

  • diagnostics becomes faster and easier
  • more accurate diagnostics results
  • diseases may be detected at earlier stages

Computer vision software developed for healthcare can be very helpful in medical assistance doing essential tasks. For instance, measuring the amount of blood lost during cesarean deliveries and other surgeries is crucial. Computer vision applications can help doctors measure it in real-time or in advance. It also helps to forecast haemorrhage for the planned surgery more precisely than other methods. Computer vision software developed for healthcare can also count patients' body fat mass. Its applications inspect pictures taken by CCTV to extend human capabilities with visual analytics. It helps analyze visual information more quickly and with more precise data, bringing healthcare workers nearer to the patients.

Computer vision in automated detection algorithms can analyze large volumes of medical images to optimize the medical screening process. It helps reduce the time required for diagnosis and identify regions of interest that may require further examination by flagging suspicious areas for closer inspection. 

Methods that use such quantitative metrics allow doctors to distinguish patients based on their prediprofilestment response and risk profile and monitor disease progression over time.

Key uses of computer vision applications in medical care

Computer vision plays a crucial role in automated health monitoring, healthcare research, medical staff training, early diagnosis, tumour and cancer detection, image analysis, infection prevention, surgical real-time assistance and much more. Here are some of the most critical use cases:

Diagnostic software

Artificial neural networks help physicians inspect details with computer vision more precisely and identify less visible details that are otherwise easily overlooked. They also help to identify illnesses at early stages, which is necessary for conditions like cancer. With computer vision, cancer screening tests are more precise, identifying the most subtle cancerous or precancerous patterns within seconds. It offers an excellent supplementary resource for physicians diagnosing breast, bone, or skin cancer.

Computer vision applications developed for healthcare can help detect various neurological illnesses. Natural language programming systems can accumulate information, analyze patients' responses, and narrow possible diagnoses in a pre-appointment interview. A built-in webcam and sensor register facial and body movements. The program asks a series of questions and compares people's answers and reactions to formulate probable diagnoses, including depression or anxiety. The program sends these findings to the physician so that the physician can inspect them before the patient comes in for the visit.

To train computer vision programs, you need significant data volumes, consisting of thousands of photos, that enable the algorithms to find even minor dissimilarities accurately. Computer vision helps doctors see differences and possible problems. Without computer vision, those changes could have gone unnoticed. Computer vision technology can do even more by unifying, simplifying, and streamlining many medical procedures.

Medical imaging techniques

Different computer vision medical imaging applications assist physicians successfully by making diagnoses and treatments of patients across various fields, helping to inspect and understand visual information (MRIs, CAT scans, X-rays, sonograms). Once developed and trained, computer vision applications work quickly and accurately to identify the face, the reaction of cells to a compound, the minor changes in a fracture, or when an instrument is removed from a surgical cavity.

Object recognition algorithms can help interpret visual information in healthcare by more accurately and precisely identifying minor differences between pictures.

Such computer vision applications help healthcare workers perform more accurate diagnostics by creating 3D visualizations, which are more interactive, detailed, and informative than 2D pictures. For instance, 3D breast imaging models are highly effective in diagnosing cancer at the early stages.

Computer vision algorithms can detect abnormalities indicative of tumours or cancerous growths by analyzing different kinds of medical imaging, such as CT scans, X-rays, MRIs, mammograms, etc.

Medical image analysis helps doctors create visualizations of specific tissues and organs to notice even minor changes in tissue shape, density, or texture. These small changes can indicate illnesses.

For instance, computer vision algorithms can count cells very accurately, unbiasedly, and quickly. Rapid, accurate, and consistent cell counts are crucial for good results in quantitative measurements of cellular responses, ensuring effectiveness and reliability in analysis.

Patient identification

Computer vision technology in healthcare can allow patient identification by using facial recognition in healthcare institutions. Errors caused by identification and wrong treatment can be dangerous or even lethal for people's health.

For example, in cases when a doctor makes a mistake by adding the order not to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the wrong patient record. This patient can die because of it. A drug prescription mistakenly written in the wrong patient's record can be very harmful as well. Such mistakes can be avoided when computer vision applications care about patient authentication.

Robotic surgery

Computer vision algorithms can also be applied in surgery. Healthcare institutions need computer vision applications for complex surgical assistance procedures to boost surgery's accuracy, exactness, and safety. Computer vision applications developed for healthcare help prevent inadvertent retention of medical instruments during surgery and track instrument usage and procedure duration.

For instance, computer vision assists with orthopaedic procedures by calibrating, orienting, processing, or navigating input information to improve visibility and achieve more precise surgical techniques. It can reduce procedure duration and enhance patient outcomes.

Related: The value of computer vision in healthcare

Computer vision software in healthcare can estimate blood loss by processing pictures of surgical drapes, blood-stained sponges, suction machines and other instruments during and after surgeries. Such algorithms analyze the bleeding from this data and forward the information to surgeons, helping them make blood transfusion decisions.

Such computer vision processing algorithms, which are the basis for robotic surgery, can process, correct, and calibrate the images of the operating place, the patient's body, and the surgical tools to create a magnified 3D image of all three components and overlay them into a single view that allows tracking the robot's position and the positions of the surgical tools to make more accurate movements. The operation is directed by the surgeon remotely with an operating console. Robots can make more precise movements than a human hand.

With modern technology such as computer vision, doctors can stay better prepared for invasive surgical procedures, which allows them to minimize possible complications.

Clinical deep learning applications include enhancing surgeon performance through contextual awareness, real-time skills assessments, and training. Early research, for example, in robotic and laparoscopic surgery based on video, has focused on all these goals.

Improvement of clinical trials

Computer vision in healthcare can help improve the clinical trial process for drug development companies. To be sure that new drugs are safe, each pharmaceutical company has to conduct preclinical and clinical tests on a group of people and provide detailed information on the dosing and toxicity levels of a newly developed drug. The process of clinical trials is complicated and expensive. The big problem is finding appropriate candidates representing as many races, ethnicities, ages, and genders as possible. All candidates have to pass the tests before they are allowed to participate in the clinical trials. If too many candidates are rejected, clinical trials become more time-consuming and costly.

Computer vision algorithms help collect information about each candidate, ask them questions, analyze answers, and narrow down possible troubles in a pre-appointment interview. The built-in webcam and sensor scan the candidate's face to register facial and body movements, compare answers and reactions, and identify whether the candidate is capable of participating. 

Computer vision in medical care can help interpret complex imaging data, develop decision-support tools, and assist in medical diagnosis. Deep learning algorithms can do even more by enabling seamless access to patient data and facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare teams after successfully integrating computer vision with electronic health records (EHRs).

For example, the computer vision algorithm to monitor patients for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) therapies in clinical trials. The system not only allows better recruitment, patient selection, and retention during clinical trials but also helps to speed up the approval of those clinical trials by the FDA. All of this helps cut the costs of clinical trials for drug therapies and improves patient outcomes.

Early detection of tumor and cancer 

Ultrasonic image classification is one of the most impressive research issues in biomedical computer sciences and engineering since many diseases can be identified with ultrasonic medical pictures. Computer vision in medical care can help outline the tumour boundaries on medical images and make them visible. Computer vision algorithms provide accurate segmentation that shows the localization and size of the tumour. Those measures offer significant information for medical treatment, allowing us to monitor and plan the next steps. Computer vision systems can be trained through machine learning with cancerous and healthy tissue datasets, allowing skin and breast cancer detection more accurately. Deep learning algorithms are among the key developments that make early cancer diagnosis possible. 

For instance, a study about breast cancer created a new grid-based deep learning framework utilizing computer vision and deep learning. The developed model achieved 97.18% classification accuracy using 10-fold cross-validation. Using an ultrasonic image dataset, this model can automatically select the best-performing networks to detect breast cancer. 

Prevention of infection 

The most impressive results of computer vision models were achieved in the health sector during overcoming the pandemic. Computer vision was extensively helpful for detecting the affected lungs. The virus altered those parts in infected humans.

Those successes motivated the research community to the following open-source efforts. To detect infection cases from the chest (CXR) and X-ray images, a deep convolutional neural network was designed and tailored, open-source and available to the public.

Additionally, computer vision models were utilized to prevent the spread of the disease, another critical issue during the pandemic. Many technologies, such as thermography, masked face detection, and germ screening, were used. 

Training for medical staff

The surgical platforms based on simulation have emerged as an effective medium for assessing and training medical staff. Trainees can learn and improve their surgical abilities with the help of simulation systems before they enter the real operating room. Those systems have evolved beyond traditional training and practice patterns. Now, they are readily available to healthcare practitioners, particularly surgeons.

Computer vision algorithms in medical care can receive detailed feedback and gain intensive practice through simulation training.

Computer vision for improving efficiency in medical processes

Analyzing reports and images usually takes a lot of valuable doctors' time. Computer vision applications developed for healthcare can automatically generate medical reports, helping deliver more efficient services and offer more personalized advice. AI-based computer vision apps developed for healthcare analyze data from ultrasound, MRI, X-rays, and CT scans, helping clinicians detect each patient's physical condition, diagnose, forecast the development of future illnesses, and choose appropriate care or preventive methods. Time saved on routine tasks can be spent with patients to solve more complicated cases.

Computer-aided diagnostics can lower the necessity for office visits, allowing remote consultations. Fewer doctor appointments allow for rationalizing the healthcare institution's workflow and optimizing cost. It allows them to offer more qualitative medical care even with less staff. Computer vision applications can do routine work, allowing physicians to concentrate on complicated tasks like management, advisory, building relationships, analyzing data, etc.


The popularity of computer vision services continues to rise as industries embrace autonomous ecosystems. Computer vision algorithms have a large potential to change various industries. 

At VITech, we also delegate healthcare jobs to complex computer vision models. Our experienced computer vision developers create and train them to excel in long-term missions and operational tasks, allowing our clients to improve their remarkable precision for significant business benefits.

 We provide comprehensive integration, advisory, and technical support alongside computer vision development. We have succeeded in building algorithms to interpret large-scale imaging and video content for educated and streamlined decision-making.

Contact our experts to learn more about how VITech has helped clients in the healthcare sector revolutionize diagnostics.

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