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Close the sky of Ukraine

Mar 03, 2022

1 minutes read

In the morning, you wake up to the sound of an alarm clock and look out the window at the sky. We wake up in the morning to the sound of sirens and run to the basement or bomb shelter. Most people don’t even know what the sky is like today. A sky that will bring us many threats today.

Photos of the sky in your phone are clouds or picturesque sunsets. The photo of the sky on our phone is a photograph of rockets that will destroy someone’s house in a second.

Your sky is the color of peace. Our sky is the color of war.

What Russia calls a “military liberation operation” on television has become a nightmare for millions of Ukrainians. The sky you look out the window at the morning poses a mortal danger to millions of our citizens. The sky under which your children play is not visible to our children sitting in bomb shelters.

World leaders must shelter the sky over Ukraine. We will cope with everything else.

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