To be a single mother is never easy, but sometimes women have to face even more difficult situations than just financially supporting the child and themselves. The law in Ukraine allows social services to take a child from a mother who cannot provide proper living conditions for the child (food, clothing, a roof over the head, etc.). Sometimes single mothers don’t have a proper education to get a job or just have temporary difficulties. Those mothers and their children can be helped.
A charity project “Home for mother and child” (Дім для матері та дитини) VITech has started in 2020 and it’s aimed to help women in need by giving them a second chance. This project we realize together with a charity organization – Time for kindness and mercy (Час добра та милосердя).
The project’s primary goal is to support single women in trouble from Ivano-Frankivsk and the region. Single mothers in difficult financial situations or those who suffer from domestic violence now will have a temporary home where they can stay for some time and receive help for improving their situation:
Currently, a charity organization – Time for kindness and mercy, rented apartments to help women who didn’t have a place to live due to domestic abuse, had hard times paying the rent, or did not have appropriate conditions for children with disabilities. During the last year, VITech has managed to buy a house for the temporary stay of single mothers. We also support a social shop where women in need can get free warm clothes, household chemicals, and food left by philanthropists.
Recently the mother and child temporary home in Ivano-Frankivsk finally got electricity. Fundraising company started with Time for kindness and mercy and successfully gathered the needed amount of money to provide electricity to the temporary home for single mothers.
We believe that helping women in need and investing in children’s future is an excellent strategy to make the world a better place. We are happy that a lot of other good people also support the initiative. We have more power together!
More information about this initiative is available in this short video (ukrainian language) and on facebook.
If you’re from abroad:
Privat bank – 5169330522151635
Valeria Kushnirenko,
Be sure to specify “Home for mother and child” in the payment purpose
Monobank – 5375414125875186
Kushnirenko Valeria
IBAN account UA313366770000026005052549009
EGRPOU – 42732425
Recipient’s name – Charity organization “Time for kindness and mercy”
If you’re from Ukraine:
Карта ключ Приват банк – 5169330522151635
Кушніренко Валерія,
Обов’язково в призначенні платежу вказувати “Дім мами”
Карта Monobank – 5375414125875186
Кушніренко Валерія
Рахунок IBAN UA313366770000026005052549009
EGRPOU – 42732425
Найменування отримувача – Благодійна організація “Час добра та милосердя”
Or reach out to Oksana Moklovych
Tell us about your project and we’ll be glad to help.