Cybersecurity services and consulting

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As a cybersecurity services provider, VITech combines offensive and defensive capabilities to deliver advisory, integration and managed cybersecurity services. We are a trusted team of experts with proprietary and partner technology to co-create tailored cybersecurity services to manage vulnerability and transform cybersecurity into a business enabler.

VITech can protect your business from unrelenting cybersecurity attacks around the clock by providing fully managed cybersecurity services and a wide range of cybersecurity consulting or software development. 

VITech offers affordable and managed cybersecurity services, software development and consulting cybersecurity services for enterprises, including cloud security services and monitoring and remediation provided by a dedicated team of professionals. 

VITech helps protect your data and ensure you meet compliance requirements.

Our web application vulnerability assessment services help organizations cost-effectively and proactively secure web applications by identifying and cataloguing applications, detecting vulnerabilities, manually testing vulnerabilities for false positives, and providing remediation steps to improve overall cybersecurity posture.

Cybersecurity risk vulnerability evaluation

Cybersecurity consulting services and risk assessment processes can help identify your systems' vulnerabilities and cybersecurity practices. The assessment includes an evaluation of your current IT controls and a review of your cybersecurity standards.

VITech, as a cybersecurity services provider, can analyze the current cybersecurity state, understand the potential risks, define all assets that could be affected by an attack, and identify points that need protection at the first step.

Cybersecurity threats have no single vector of attack, and they look for vulnerabilities in the system. The best defence against those threats is to find and eliminate weak points.

We can help evaluate your system vulnerabilities and develop a strategy to enhance your cybersecurity. Our core cybersecurity services to do it:

  • We perform a detailed evaluation of your cybersecurity system.
  • Our resilience review will help you discover how quickly you could recover from a cyberattack.
  • We can help you develop a cybersecurity strategy to protect your system.

A full risk assessment should be performed once a year, but it is always reasonable to have a process established to evaluate cybersecurity risks continually. The frequency of a full risk assessment may vary depending on your regulatory requirements, the size of your organization, and the technology you are working with.

Benefits of cybersecurity consulting services and risk assessment 

  • Identifying weaknesses can help protect a system from a cyberattack. 
  • A risk assessment can help you to define areas where you may be out of regulatory compliance. 
  • Identifying risks can help you establish priorities for your cybersecurity consulting services and stay focused on the most significant risk areas.
  • Being proactive about cybersecurity allows you to develop better resilience. 
  • Cybersecurity consulting services and risk assessments can improve the organization's cybersecurity posture.  

Multi-factor authentication management for cybersecurity

As a cybersecurity provider, VITech develops software to protect your company against cyberattacks and data breaches. To deny access to your critical systems to unauthorized users, you need to use additional verification channels, for example, multi-factor authentication (MFA). VITech's cybersecurity and consulting services are a cost-saving, effective way to enhance your cybersecurity with properly implemented MFA protection and guarantee that only authorized users can access critical systems and data.

VITech can manage different types of Multi-Factor Authentication software. 

One of the most essential benefits of MFA is the possibility to choose the channels you will use. VITech will help you to define which options are most suitable for your organization. Our managed services allow you to implement the software properly.

The most common verification methods you might use are the following:

Phone callbacks can be an excellent option for less tech-savvy users. Just answer the phone and press any key to pass the authentication and complete the login process.

SMS passcodes allow authentication by using your end users' cell phones. The users receive an SMS with a code that should be entered to log in.

App verification is another proven method. Users have to download an app onto their smartphone. To log in, the user has to receive a push notification that verifies the user's identity.

Time-based one-time passcodes work similarly to app verification, using an authentication app on the phone. The user must enter the code that appears in the app to log in. 

Bypass codes are helpful to provide single-event access for your contractors or to secure lost devices.

Passkeys are a safer and more accessible alternative to passwords. Instead of using passwords, users can sign in to websites and apps with a PIN, pattern, or biometric sensor (such as a fingerprint or facial recognition).

VITech offers the following managed cybersecurity services:

Management of IT procurement. VITech can help you purchase, evaluate, and properly implement the MFA software. We can handle the whole process, from defining your real needs and finding the best options according to your budget.

Remote technical support. As a proven cybersecurity services provider, VITech can offer remote technical support for users with problems installing or using MFA. Our wide range of cybersecurity services includes the whole process from software installation to advanced troubleshooting. 

Other cybersecurity consulting services. MFA is just one component of the effective cybersecurity strategy. VITech provides cybersecurity consulting services to guarantee your access to sophisticated, 24/7 protection from cyberattacks and digital threats.

Benefits of implementing MFA for cybersecurity

  • Stronger security. To properly defend your systems and avoid cracking the passwords by cyberattackers, you have to add some additional cybersecurity protocols.
  • Protecting high-risk accounts with the most significant access to your systems against cyber attackers with MFA is a reasonable measure to avoid risks.
  • Painless protection of sensitive data and resources. You have to verify the identity of the users to give access to the sensitive data, but if the security methods are too complicated to implement, users can skip it. MFA offers a simple and easy way to ensure widespread adoption.

Intrusion protection and prevention software for cybersecurity

Proactive defence is the best way to protect your business against devastating cyber attacks and other digital threats. As a proven cybersecurity services provider, VITech can help you implement response and intrusion detection software (IDR) to stop attackers and keep your data safe. First, you need instruments that can identify when an attack happens and prevent it from damaging. You must use a multiple-layered system that ensures you're always protected and helps effectively stop cyber attackers.

The automated threat detection system builds one of the layers. The cybersecurity system collects data from network devices, computers, and firewalls to detect any signal that you may be under attack or find any anomalies. If any suspicion occurs, the cybersecurity experts have to confirm that the danger exists. Cybersecurity professionals can quickly respond and eliminate the threat of an attack.

The additional protection level is prevention. Our cybersecurity professionals help you to build successful protection around your sensitive data. Our infrastructure cybersecurity services can provide visibility into application dependencies, contain breaches, and deliver end-to-end network protection.

Benefits of cybersecurity intrusion protection 

  • Network monitoring and management is a system for detecting intrusion and monitoring suspicious activities. With continuous network monitoring, you can receive actionable alerts within minutes of threat detection. 
  • Incident response. Covering the entire incident investigation cycle is needed to protect the user from the digital threat completely.
  • Early detection and stop of cyber attacks. Intrusion detection software (IDR) can quickly stop cyber attacks and prevent severe damage to data safety.
  • Seasoned expertise. VITech can offer you the possibility to work with an entire team of seasoned security experts. 
  • Building trust with customers. The relationship with the customers can be seriously devastated because of a cybersecurity breach. You can avoid it by acting preventively to keep the data safe.
  • Keeping the business compliant. VITech is a proven cybersecurity services provider that works with organizations that need to meet regulatory and compliance standards.
  • Cost savings. Establishing 24/7 monitoring and protection from an in-house team takes time and resources. Outsourcing managed cybersecurity services instead is an excellent, cost-effective solution.

Managed endpoint detection and response services for cybersecurity

Cybersecurity services are vital to protecting every business today, especially if you have a company website, remote work, or collect data from customers online.

Endpoint detection and response can identify several ongoing threats, such as ransomware, exploit chains, and malware. Cybersecurity attacks can cause serious complications, including financial losses, data breaches involving sensitive data, etc. With managed cybersecurity services such as endpoint detection and response software implemented adequately by professionals, your data will be protected from potential danger.

Endpoint protection means that endpoint security services (ESS) are deployed directly on servers, workstations, and other endpoints, ensuring the protection of devices against both signature-based and behaviour-based malicious activity. Since remote work grows in popularity and employees work from home, your devices are particularly vulnerable to threats. Endpoint protection is working around the clock to identify potential threats as early as possible and respond to them before they escalate. It is the cornerstone of endpoint detection and response cybersecurity services.

Benefits of EDR and MDR support for cybersecurity

  • Secure multiple platforms and clouds. Various platforms and clouds within the enterprise bring additional value and new challenges for cybersecurity. Utilizing best practices in deployment and design, our cybersecurity consulting experts help ensure broader visibility to cloud infrastructure and improve cloud and platform security.
  • Unified visibility for multi-cloud. VITech can help customers manage and monitor cloud-native controls, centralized security posture management, and visibility across multi-clouds and containers from multiple cloud service providers.
  • Compliance. As a cybersecurity services provider, VITech can help implement the remediation process of cloud infrastructure misconfigurations by reporting on cloud standards and compliance with HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR.
  • Recommendations for being proactive. Real-time and contextually-driven recommendations can allow faster decision-making and focus on actual incident response rather than false positives.
  • Log analysis. The endpoint protection strategy generates a lot of logs. To properly investigate potential threats against your business, you must access and analyze each of those individual logs. While discovering patterns that could provide valuable insight into cybersecurity services, analyzing logs is an important step. VITech can parse logs to identify patterns indicating a cybersecurity-related issue or an imminent attack on your endpoint. Our managed security services (MSS) filter out all the false positives alerts on what is impactful. It saves time and effort in reviewing potential threats. 
  • Analysis of malware. VITech can provide a customer with a complete picture of the functionality and behaviour of specific malware files.
  • Analysis of crucial endpoint data. It is the most critical component of VITech's endpoint detection and response cybersecurity services. We gather vast quantities of data related to the endpoints. We monitor and analyze them to define all the potential threats and vulnerabilities. Our cybersecurity services will help you to gain valuable insights by analyzing crucial endpoint data.
  • Cost control. By installing a robust, multi-layered cybersecurity system, you can invest in improved safety and eliminate potential security threats. VITech can consult you on the most suitable choice of software depending on your needs and budget. 
  • AI-based responses. An automated response to cybersecurity threats can quell specific cybersecurity attacks. To get the AI system better at recognizing and dealing with threats, our experts have to learn more about your endpoints and the dangers they face. Not every step of the managed detection and response process can be automated, but a reasonable amount of responses will help you save money and time.

Vulnerability testing and assessment services for cybersecurity

Cyberattackers are keen on detecting the weakest points of your network to get access to your data. To prevent it, you have to define the vulnerabilities and fix them before they can be used against you.

VITech can quickly spot weaknesses and remediate them to keep your systems secure by conducting regular network scans.

A vulnerability assessment scans your network for weak points like insecure settings, missing security patches, and unused services. After identifying those vulnerabilities, VITech can fix the problems and improve customer data security.

Benefits of outsourcing vulnerability assessments

  • Cost-effective protection. Outsourcing your vulnerability scanning is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve cybersecurity without hiring new staff. As an outsourcing cybersecurity services provider, VITech offers the expertise you need to keep your organization safe and secure.
  • A proactive approach to security. Vulnerability scanning is the best way to stop an attack before it begins and be proactive about managed cybersecurity services.
  • Asset protection. With managed cybersecurity vulnerability scanning, you'll keep your networks, data, and systems safe.
  • Vulnerability prioritization. While planning vulnerability scanning, put your systems at the highest risk, which is the priority.
  • Timely and effective remediation. Cybersecurity scanning is the first step to stop a cyberattacker and to close your vulnerabilities before they're found.
  • Peace of mind. The best way to stop worrying about cybersecurity is to ensure your systems are regularly scanned for possible weaknesses.


Vulnerability services. Just patching alone is not enough to protect your networks against cyberattacks. To eliminate risks, you must act proactively and identify weaknesses before a malicious actor can exploit them. 

There are some services VITech is offering to achieve the goal: 

  1. Regular security vulnerability scanning helps evaluate the network for possible cybersecurity gaps. 
  2. Expert vulnerability review. Each time you update your systems, it could inadvertently introduce a new weakness. To avoid it, you need cybersecurity consulting services experts who can offer the most up-to-date knowledge to prioritize your urgent vulnerabilities and regularly evaluate your systems.
  3. Proactive security response. It is not enough to identify weaknesses in your system; you have to close any vulnerability revealed by a security scan, protecting the most critical data.
  4. Strategic thinking. While outsourcing your cybersecurity to a managed provider, you must ensure that cybersecurity vulnerability scanning is part of a larger strategy designed around your objectives and needs.

Penetration testing for cybersecurity

Networks and web application penetration testing services enable you to improve your cybersecurity. These cybersecurity services can simulate a cyber attack, allowing organizations to safely review the security level of their web applications and networking devices. Our testing experts exploit external resources and gain access to internal resources that compromise the organization's infrastructure. VITech offers the following types of web application and network penetration testing services: 

Internal penetration testing. A cybersecurity assessment simulates an internal attacker, for example, a user with limited access to specific systems.

External penetration testing. A cybersecurity assessment simulates an external attack from outside the company's environment without basic knowledge of your cybersecurity system.

Wireless networks cybersecurity assessment. Our cybersecurity experts visit your site and analyze the level of Wi-Fi security control.

Application security assessment

Vulnerabilities are a part of applications, from embedded and mobile to large cloud-based solutions.

Even a coding error can create a vulnerability, resulting in considerable financial and reputational damage. New vulnerabilities can arise during an application's lifecycle through software updates or insecure component configuration, as well as through new methods of attack.

VITech offers the following application testing services:

White-box testing means analysis with full access to the application's source codes.

Black-box testing emulates an external attacker without prior knowledge of the application's internal structures and workings.

Grey-box testing emulates legitimate users with a range of profiles.

Application firewall effectiveness assessment means testing with and without the firewall enabled to verify whether potential exploits are blocked.

Malicious domain blocking 

This cybersecurity service proactively identifies and blocks phishing attacks, ransomware, malware, etc. Our cybersecurity experts provide customers with real-time reports, custom configurations, and off-network device protection to reduce risk and increase cybersecurity defences. 

Benefits of malicious domain blocking

  • Protects applications from malicious domains by preventing customers from connecting to potential sources of malware, ransomware, phishing, and other cyber threats gathered on a list of suspected or known bad domains.
  • Offers scalability to meet the needs of enterprises of any size.
  • It offers reliability, providing your organization with continuous protection.
  • Saves time by administering cybersecurity policies, reducing false-positive cybersecurity alerts, and updating from anywhere in seconds.
  • Provides a dashboard with real-time reporting that includes log information for all blocked requests, enabling you to identify and mitigate emerging threats quickly.
  • It is customizable for your needs: it can build and enforce organization-specific acceptable use policies, allow/deny lists, customizable error pages, and more.
  • Enables off-network device protection for your organization's devices through an easy-to-deploy lightweight agent.

Why VITech

  • VITech offers managed network security services to improve productivity and efficiency by applying complex policy changes across multi-vendor platforms and centrally managing cybersecurity risks.
  • VITech offers cybersecurity services and software development to protect multi-cloud environments and hybrid cloud through continuous visibility, management, and remediation.
  • An essential part of managed cybersecurity consulting services is monitoring endpoints to detect and respond to ongoing threats rapidly. VITech can help you improve your cybersecurity, offering services like managed endpoint security and managed detection and response. It is crucial to detect potential threats as early as possible and mitigate them before they cause a severe problem. 
  • Proactive managed detection and response means that human intelligence combines with AI to help identify potential threats as soon as possible. To learn more about identifying threats and discovering patterns, VITech uses machine learning. Analyzing security-related data helps better understand the possible threats and strategies for responding to them.


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