The best machine learning tools

August 29, 2024

As the world progressively shifts digital, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly altered the way humans work for the better.

Because of the constant emergence of online technology, all aspiring tech gurus must keep up, especially if they want to maintain their name in the business. “Machine learning” is one of the newest buzzwords that is gaining traction.

Due to the ever-increasing volume of data created and consumed, machine learning models are in high demand. Machine learning systems help fortify data analysis and decision-making automation by incorporating algorithms and sophisticated machine learning libraries into the system. It is no surprising that machine learning is gaining traction, as machine learning applications now pervade practically every facet of modern life.

Builders, plumbers, electricians - everybody needs tools. Machine Learning practitioners have a different craftsperson's toolkit, but the tools are necessary for everybody. Artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly improved how humans work as the world progressively shifts digitally.

Tools help Machine Learning practitioners to develop, improve and train deep learning algorithms as quickly as possible. Many new Machine Learning tools appear yearly to simplify this process and advance the field. It's vital to know what tools exist, their key features, strengths, and weaknesses, how they can help, and some ideal use cases. It is crucial to remain at the cutting edge of the field.

Because of the constant emergence of online technology, all aspiring tech gurus must keep up, especially if they want to maintain their name in the business. "Machine Learning" is one of the newest buzzwords gaining traction.

Due to the ever-increasing volume of data created and consumed, Machine Learning models are in high demand. Machine Learning systems help fortify data analysis and decision-making automation by incorporating algorithms and sophisticated machine-learning libraries. It is no surprise that Machine Learning is gaining traction, as Machine Learning applications now pervade practically every facet of modern life.

With the proper deep learning algorithms, developers can create and train new Machine Learning models to solve practical problems. The latest technology allows not just automating the analysis of a large amount of data but also doing it specifically by training through context and experiences rather than simple coding. The learning process is very similar to the way humans learn.

In this article, we'll introduce the Machine Learning tools that are most popular among ML experts. From Amazon SageMaker to Vertex AI, discover their key features and uses. We'll describe how to select the best ML tools for your projects. We'll write about the most significant topics and compare different tools.

The most popular Machine Learning tools are:

  1. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
  2. Amazon SageMaker
  3. BigML
  4. Scikit-Learn
  5. PyTorch
  6. TensorFlow
  7. Apache Mahout
  8. Weka
  9. Vertex AI

The primary purpose of all these tools is to simplify and speed up the Machine Learning model development process and move those models from research to a production environment.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is an interdisciplinary field that straddles science, mathematics, engineering, and software development. But that is not all: data scientists who utilize Machine Learning must understand both the problem and the domain to provide helpful software.

Diverse AI and Machine Learning tools, platforms, and software accompany Machine Learning. This article includes a list of the top machine-learning tools experts use.

Related: How Machine Learning reduces costs spent on treatment

Machine Learning enables computers to make better decisions faster and, in most cases, with greater accuracy. This method is low-cost and capable of analyzing vast and complex data sets.

Notably, there are three types of Machine Learning:

  1. Supervised Machine Learning: In supervised Machine Learning, past data produces predictions. For example, supervised Machine Learning is used to filter spam emails. Machine Learning algorithms determine which emails are spam and which are not. The supervised Machine Learning algorithm predicts whether an email is spam based on past data, such as received emails and user data. These predictions are only sometimes correct, but they are accurate.
  2. Unsupervised Machine Learning: Unsupervised Machine Learning uncovers previously unknown patterns. This form of Machine Learning includes clustering and association techniques.
  3. Reinforcement Machine Learning: Reinforcement Machine Learning is a type of Machine Learning used to improve or increase efficiency.

Why are Machine Learning tools important

In today's world, you don't need to code a Machine Learning algorithm entirely from scratch each time you need to use one. It would help if you refrained from writing down the experiment outcomes you've completed on paper. You don't need to buy new servers each time you want to scale your applications while you deploy models. 

Now, you can implement a machine algorithm without a mathematical background and knowledge of the algorithms working principles or mathematical formulas that govern them. The introduction of various Machine Learning tools allowed the implementation of complicated algorithms to users without specific coding experience. It lowered the entry barrier for data science and sped up processes. It's possible to perform many experiments in less time because coding entire algorithms from scratch is no longer necessary. You have to choose the best-trained model. All this allows you to save time and move faster to production. In this way, models from the research environment can be more accessible and quicker transferred to production. All this is possible because Machine Learning tools make complex tasks more straightforward.

How to choose a Machine Learning tool 

Machine Learning tools vary according to their purposes. Some may use specific programming languages and capabilities for data scaling, which determine how a model performs computations, how data is processed, and how many users can access the model at once.

For example, PyTorch was created to allow quick and flexible development of deep learning models. TensorFlow's primary goal is to promote a better theoretical understanding of deep learning and advance critical areas of Machine Learning.

All Machine Learning tools try to achieve the same goal: to make creating deep learning algorithms easier. But they approach this goal differently.

To choose the best-suited tool for your purpose, define the main goal before looking for the platform.

There are some crucial points to consider when choosing the optimal Machine Learning tool for your purpose. It would help if you considered whether the tool enables you to achieve the main goal you'd like your Machine Learning model to accomplish and the customizations needed in the development and improvement process. 

When choosing a tool, find the answers to the following questions:

  1. What do I want to do?
  2. What are the constraints?
  3. What level of customization do I need?

Another crucial point before you start building a Machine Learning model is defining the method you'll use to train the algorithm: supervised or unsupervised learning. You have to prove whether the chosen tool supports supervised or unsupervised learning. Remember to consider planning to have data scaled and analyzed across the model (whether on software, hardware or in the cloud). Take into account the intended parameters of your model as well. 

No one model can accomplish and fix everything; sometimes, you have to use more than one to achieve your goals. 

Machine Learning tools comparison: pros and cons

There is a wide range of Machine Learning software on the market. Below is a list of the top Machine Learning tools today.

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Tool 

The fully managed cloud service has been created to allow data scientists to develop, deploy, and implement Machine Learning algorithms. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning empowers developers to achieve their goals more confidently and faster. The platform is designed with responsible AI in mind and heavily emphasizes security. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning allows to save time and offers open-source interoperability and integrated tools. 


  1. Preparation of data: the tool is interoperable with Azure Databricks. It enables developers to quickly iterate on data preparation at scale on Apache Spark clusters.
  2. Notebooks: developers can work using Visual Studio Code or Jupyter Notebooks.
  3. Drag-and-drop: developers can use a drag-and-drop user interface Designer to create Machine Learning based pipelines.
  4. Responsible AI: responsible AI helps users monitor their models and do deep-dive investigations to optimize them. 
  5. Managed endpoints: This feature enables users to decouple the implementation of their production workload and the interface.


  • Built-in governance: Machine Learning workloads can be performed remotely with security, compliance, and built-in governance.
  • Multi-framework support: Microsoft Azure offers high abstraction interfaces for the most commonly used Machine Learning frameworks, such as Scikit-learn, XGBoost,  ONNX, TensorFlow, or PyTorch.


  • Limits of resources: it may impact the Machine Learning workloads (e.g., number of deployments, compute instances, endpoints, etc.). The limits vary by region.
  • Less control: many of Microsoft Azure's complexities and details are abstracted, so you must follow Microsoft's process.


Amazon SageMaker

Designed and fully managed service for building Machine Learning models and generating predictions. Developers can leverage the platform to train, build, and deploy the Machine Learning algorithms at scale in a single integrated development environment (IDE). Amazon SageMaker offers a broad set of tools such as debuggers, profilers, notebooks, MLOps, pipelines, and many more. The platform also supports governance requirements through transparency regarding your Machine Learning project, simplifying access control.


  1. Canvas: even users with no-code interfaces can create and leverage Machine Learning algorithms. Users do not need Machine Learning or programming experience to build their models with Canvas.
  2. Data wrangler: allows users to quickly prepare and aggregate image or tabular data for Machine Learning models.
  3. Clarify: users can leverage Clarify to gain better insight into their data based on metrics such as accuracy, robustness, toxicity, and bias, which makes creating Machine Learning models easier. This tool aims to support responsible AI initiatives while lowering biases in Machine Learning algorithms and improving their quality.
  4. Experiments: Amazon SageMaker enables users to analyze and track their machine-learning experiments at scale.


  • Choice of ML tools: even people with less programming skills can work with different IDEs, which is ideal for a no-code interface and data scientists.
  • Multi-framework support: users can work with algorithms developed and trained using other frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, XGBoost, ONNX, Scikit-learn, etc.


  • Price: the tool may become expensive quickly, for example, if users work with multiple models that receive a lot of traffic.



In 2011/12, BigML was created as a programmable, consumable, and scalable cloud-based Machine Learning tool. The goal of BigML was to simplify the management, development, and deployment of Machine Learning tasks, such as regression, classification, cluster analysis, time-series forecasting, topic modelling, etc. BigML enables organizations and businesses without extensive technical expertise to create and deploy Machine Learning models. The Machine Learning tool provides different services, from data preparation to model creation, data visualization, and many others.


  1. Comprehensive Machine Learning tool: can solve different problems with the help of unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms.
  2. Interpretable: all predictive models come with explainability features and interactive visualization that make them interpretable.
  3. Exportable models: All models can be deployed instantly as part of a distributed real-time application or exported and used to serve offline local predictions on any edge device.


  • Easy to use: BigML can save costs by connecting to BigML's REST API. The platform can automate complicated Machine Learning procedures. It only requires one line of code to automate processes with BigML.


  • The tool needs to be faster to process big datasets. Although it can handle datasets with up to 100M rows x 1000 columns, processing larger volumes of data sometimes takes too long.



Scikit-Learn is a free Python Machine Learning library. It contains models and techniques for classification, regression, clustering, dimensional reduction, model selection, pre-processing, data mining and data analysis.

Scikit-Learn is a collection of Machine Learning and statistical modelling tools built on NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.


The Machine Learning library Scikit-Learn has many features that make Machine Learning easier. Here are a few of them:

  1. Any supervised Machine Learning algorithm people have heard of will likely be included in the Scikit-Learn library.
  2. Factoring, cluster analysis, principal component analysis, and unsupervised neural networks are among the algorithms included in this Machine Learning tool collection.
  3. You can use Scikit-Learn to test the accuracy and validity of supervised models on unseen data.
  4. Combining the predictions of numerous supervised models using the Ensemble methods feature is possible.


The following are the pros of opting for the Scikit-Learn Machine Learning tools:

  • The library is released under the BSD license, which makes it accessible but with only the most fundamental legal and licensing constraints.
  • It is simple to use.
  • The Scikit-Learn Machine Learning library is highly adaptable and valuable. It can source rich data for real-world tasks such as predicting consumer behaviour, creating neuroimages, etc.
  • Numerous authors, contributors, and an extensive international online community support and update the Scikit-learn Machine Learning tool.


  • The Scikit-Learn Machine Learning tools have one pressing disadvantage. There are better sources or models for in-depth learning. So, if possible, more complex tasks can be challenging to execute.



PyTorch is an open-source Machine Learning tool based on Facebook's AI Research lab's Torch library, which is helpful for computer vision and natural language processing applications. The Autograd Module in this open-source optimized tensor Machine Learning library aids in constructing neural networks. The open-source PyTorch software may be utilized on cloud platforms, enabling distributed training within multiple tools and libraries. PyTorch was built to help by creating deep learning algorithms using  GPUs and CPUs. The PyTorch Machine Learning tools based on the Torch library have many features that make using Machine Learning tools easier. 


  1. The Autograd Module aids in the creation of neural networks for more accessible analytics.
  2. It comes with several optimization algorithms for constructing neural networks to aid analytics.
  3. PyTorch's development allows its use on cloud platforms.
  4. It offers online instruction, as well as a variety of tools and resources.
  5. Distributed training: peer-to-peer communication allows developers to optimize performance in both production and research by leveraging PyTorch's support for asynchronous execution of collective operations.
  6. TorchScript is always production-ready; you can create optimizable and serializable algorithms from PyTorch code.
  7. TorchServe: makes the development of PyTorch Machine Learning algorithms at a scale much more straightforward.
  8. Native ONNX support: Machine Learning algorithms can be exported in the standard ONNX format. It gives direct access to visualizers, runtimes, ONNX-compatible platforms, etc.


  • It is based on Python, which is the most fundamental programming language.
  • Deep Learning training that is more efficient.
  • GPU-based dynamic method.
  • The productivity of developers has increased.
  • It is a lot easier to learn.
  • PyTorch Machine Learning toll has highly detailed documentation and a significant and vibrant community.
  • PyTorch has a dynamic computation graph, which allows it to develop, modify, and execute models quickly, which means more flexibility and control. 
  • The model is readable because it follows the Python coding style.


  • In terms of production, it needs model serving.
  • The PyTorch software model is relatively new and has yet to be discovered.
  • It lacks monitoring and visualization interfaces, which may impact analytics.
  • Visualization: a third-party tool is required.



TensorFlow is a free Machine Learning tool for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. It includes a JavaScript library for Machine Learning and aids users in creating and training their models. TensorFlow is a fantastic Machine Learning tool for deep learning and neural networks. Users can also use TensorFlow.js, a model converter, to execute their current models. TensorFlow, one of the best Machine Learning tools, comes with a slew of features that make using online Machine Learning tools a breeze.


  1. Aids in the training and development of models.
  2. TensorFlow.js is a model converter that allows users to execute their current models.
  3. It is beneficial to the neural network.


  • It may be used for deployment in two ways: via script tags or NPM installation.
  • It can even aid in the evaluation of human pose estimation.


  • TensorFlow Machine Learning tools have one pressing disadvantage: they require learning a complicated software model. So, expect a steep learning curve before TensorFlow becomes useful.


Apache Mahout

Apache Mahout is a distributed linear algebra framework and an open-source Machine Learning tool that lets mathematicians, statisticians, and data scientists execute their algorithms for more efficient testing methods and analytics. The Apache Software Foundation project aims to provide open implementations of distributed or otherwise scalable Machine Learning algorithms, concentrating on linear algebra. As one of the open-source Machine Learning tools focused on linear algebra, Apache Mahout has many capabilities that allow for the more straightforward use of Machine Learning tools.


  1. Pre-processors, regression, clustering, recommenders, and distributed linear algebra are all covered.
  2. Java libraries are included for everyday math operations.
  3. The MapReduce paradigm gets implemented on top of Apache Hadoop.


  • For better analytics, it works with massive data sets.
  • The software model is straightforward.
  • These tools are extensible.


  • More useful documentation is required.
  • Specific algorithms still need to be included.



Weka is open-source Machine Learning software for data mining, which can be accessed via a graphical user interface (GUI), standard terminal apps, or a Java API. Weka is also a set of tools for  data visualization and algorithms for data analysis and predictive modelling that are widely used in education, research, and industry.


Weka Machine Learning tools have many features that improve the use of Machine Learning tools. Here are a few of them:

  1. Association rules mining.
  2. Classification.
  3. Clustering.
  4. Data preparation.
  5. Regression.
  6. Visualization.


  • Provides online training classes.
  • Straightforward algorithms.
  • It is also beneficial to students.


  • The Weka Machine Learning tools have one main disadvantage. It is only capable of handling small datasets.


Vertex AI

Google developed the fully comprehensive, managed, end-to-end Machine Learning platform Verex AI. It enables the development and training of Machine Learning algorithms and applications. Users can customize large language models that can be leveraged in AI-powered applications. Verex AI seamlessly combines the workflows of Machine Learning experts, data scientists, and data engineers to enable teams to work together using the same tools.


  1. AutoML can train Machine Learning algorithms on image, tabular, or video data without preparing data splits or writing code.
  2. Generative AI models and tools: rapidly customize, prototype, deploy and integrate generative AI models.
  3. Machine Learning tools for data scientists and developers help to standardize, automate, and leverage Machine Learning models.


  • Vertex AI is integrated with many popular Machine Learning frameworks, such as PyTorch, Scikit-learn, and TensorFlow. It allows multi-framework support via custom containers for training and prediction.
  • Performance and scalability: leverages Google Cloud's infrastructure to offer high scalability and performance.


  • The pricing structure is quite complex. The tool may be expensive for businesses or startups on a limited budget.



Ultimately, the best AI and Machine Learning tools are determined by the algorithm's specific requirements, the user's level of knowledge, and the cost of the Machine Learning tools.

Please get in touch with our experts for more information on how your company can integrate Machine Learning tools to meet your specific needs. VITech provides R&D, software, and data engineering services to innovative startups.

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