Healthcare application development trends in 2022

October 7, 2024

Digitalization is reaching all spheres, and healthcare stands out as the industry that benefits from the introduction of modern technologies. Not to mention that mobile technologies fuel how patient-doctor interactions can be shaped nowadays. But how does one proceed with healthcare application software development and execute it flawlessly to benefit the final audience? This article will teach you about healthcare mobile app development, future applications, and current trends.

Benefits of healthcare mobile applications

With the healthcare market adopting more and more mobile solutions, a standalone term persists, which is mHealth. The mHealth industry is now valued at billions of dollars and has an untapped potential in delivering HIPAA-compliant healthcare solutions to patients. Before reviewing the major trends in this niche, let’s find out the benefits of healthcare mobile app development, the most important of which are:

  • Improving how healthcare data is gathered and stored
  • Streamlining communication between doctors and patients
  • Boosting patient’s loyalty and confidence
  • Lowering the spending for both patients and healthcare providers
  • Introducing new healthcare approaches and strategies

The broader adoption of healthcare applications has a promising potential for changing the medical landscape we see daily.

Healthcare mobile app development cycle

If you’re wondering how to develop a mobile healthcare app from scratch, you should know that there are no one-size-fits-all answers. That’s because the development of such an app depends on the healthcare-specific needs and what audience it will cover. However, some tips for healthcare mobile app development include:

  1. Identify the needs of your healthcare organization and your target audience.
  2. Reach a team of experienced developers who have expertise in the healthcare industry.
  3. Make sure the app is compatible with all major mobile platforms.
  4. Conduct user testing to ensure the app is user-friendly and meets the needs of your target audience.
  5. Launch the app in phases to ensure smooth implementation and collect user feedback.

Related: Healthcare application development: 6-step creation

While the healthcare mobile app development cycle looks more or less universal, it becomes more complicated when you start considering legal and privacy regulations. Do note that various countries have their regulations, which you learn beforehand. Take HIPAA, for instance; these US regulations are aimed to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all stored health-related data. Mind that if you develop a dedicated app, you should also get acquainted with CCPA, GDPR, and NIST, among the few.

Before you start prototyping and actually developing your healthcare app, you should also consider the type of app you’re planning to release. Right now, the most demanded mobile healthcare development apps include:

  • Doctor appointment
  • Database
  • Health tracking
  • Doctors’ networking
  • Telemedicine
  • Medical reference
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Medical education
  • Billing/accounting

Once you know what type of app you’ll develop, start with a market analysis to understand what mHealth application to develop. Depending on the needs of your healthcare organization, you should know your budget, precise technical requirements, target audience, and compliance with regulations. Finally, don’t forget that you should consider the healthcare app development cost and choose the appropriate model with the selected software development vendor. This way, you’ll get a complete financial estimate that includes specifications for all the MVP features of your healthcare development application.

Healthcare mobile app development: what’s trending?

The mobile healthcare industry is constantly evolving and improving, so new trends are constantly emerging too. A healthcare digital solution development company should monitor these trends closely to stay ahead of this market. There are a few areas that are in high demand right now.

Mental health

Mental health apps have become extremely popular over the last few years. Such healthcare mobile app development helps medical care providers cure more people who have started to face mental health issues. The increase in mental health issues is due to the stress, anxiety, and isolation many people have been facing over the last years.


Fitness mobile applications aim at patients who want to stay fit and use most of their mobile devices. With fitness becoming more trendy, you can opt for developing an app collaborating with healthcare specialists. Even though fitness healthcare mobile apps are abundant, creating a from-scratch solution can revolutionize this field.

Tracking indicators

Our bodies can produce many health indicators, such as heart rate, blood pressure, weight, sleep patterns, and calorie intake. Monitoring these indicators can help people understand what is happening inside their bodies and take necessary measures if something is wrong. While some of these indicators can be monitored with wearable devices, others need special software solutions that can be installed on smartphones.


Healthcare mobile apps focused on billing would be of good use for doctors and healthcare organizations on a larger scale. With their help, you can streamline the billing process and handle accounting, payment processing, and other financial-related questions. With dozens of billing apps on the market, optimizing one for healthcare purposes could be a decent idea.


It’s no surprise that telehealth is booming in the healthcare industry thanks to how it changes the format of doctor-patient interactions. A decent healthcare mobile app creates an environment for physician-patient communication using messaging or video calls. Telehealth services are convenient for both sides, allowing you to get a decent consultation with just a few taps on your smartphone.


The healthcare industry is using chatbots to provide better customer service to patients. Additionally, a chatbot reduces the waiting time and provides a better user experience. If you’re a healthcare organization aiming to innovate customer interaction, your medical mobile application development team should look forward to adding a dedicated chatbot.


Healthcare mobile app development is a complex and encompassing topic that can include a variety of factors, ranging from the type of app, compliance with legal rules, your target audience, and the development cycle. With the notable success of dieting, billing, networking, fitness, and mental health applications, healthcare app development services seem to be blooming.

With that said, if your organization looks in the direction of releasing a dedicated application, consider reaching a trusted software development vendor, such as VITech team. They know how to develop a healthcare app using cutting-edge technology and long-standing expertise in this niche. Considering how promising the future healthcare mobile app development will be, starting now is a well-rounded idea, primarily if you represent a healthcare provider.

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